How to Get Your Girlfriend Back - Avoiding the Twelve Biggest Breakup Mistakes and "Pet Cemetery"

Full Episodes - How to Get Your Girlfriend Back - Avoiding the Twelve Biggest Breakup Mistakes and "Pet Cemetery"

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In this narrative I will be introducing you to "Pet Cemetery Persuasion" and why it is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to recovery a relationship. Studying the differences in the middle of this faulty type of persuasion and the more elegant methods will not only help you get your girl back but ensure that the two of you have a happy and victorious hereafter together. Also, towards the end of this article, we will be discussing the twelve biggest breakup mistakes I see guys make time and time again and why it's so important to avoid these deadly blunders.

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During a breakup, it's very tasteless for guys to use a collection of persuasion techniques to convince their girlfriends to take them back. Unfortunately, most of the techniques that they endeavor to use are detrimental to re-establishing a happy relationship. One such technique is referred to as "Pet Cemetary Persuasion." This is a blanket term for when person uses guilt, threats or any other persuasion strategy that makes others feel forced into doing something against their will. This commonly results in negative consequences for the persuader.

It is easiest to expound Pet Cem by using a conversational example. And although this narrative is written from a man's perspective, I feel that it is helpful to recognize some of the mistakes that women make in relationships, as well. In the following conversation, Lisa is doing her best to persuade her husband, Joe, to accompany her to the most dreaded of all places: his mother-in-law's.

Lisa: "Joe, my mother just called and wants to make supper for us tomorrow. We need to be there by six at the most recent so make sure you get home from work on time."

Joe: "What are you talking about? The guys are coming by for poker tomorrow. You know Friday is poker night."

Lisa: "Well, my mother wants us there, so you'll have to cancel your game."

Joe: "Honey, you can't tell me the night before that you made other plans for us. I have seven citizen showing up tomorrow. I can't just cancel on them last minute. We can go to your mother's on Saturday."

Lisa (becoming angry): "We haven't been to her house since Christmas and all she does is ask about you. I'm sick of making excuses for why we never visit. It's important to me that we see her and if you love me, it should be important to you, too. Why is it so hard for you to show that you care about me?"

Joe: "I do care about you and it is important to me. But the point is that you're forcing me to change my plans at the last minute. We can see your mom some other day. It's no big deal."

Lisa (about to explode): "Damn it, Joe. It is a big deal but you just can't get it straight through your head. Well, maybe this will help. Call your friends right now and tell them that the game is cancelled. And if you don't close those calls in the next ten minutes, your poker buddies will never be allowed to set foot in this house ever again. Until you start showing me some respect, I have to treat you like a tiny boy. Now go pick up the phone."

Joe (storming off): "Ok, fine."

Lisa just made some serious persuasion mistakes in the above example. Were you able to pick them out? If you are somewhat unsure about where she went wrong or have ever found yourself in a similar verbal exchange with someone, you need to pay close attention to the rest of this chapter.

Burying Them In The Pet Cemetery

Pet Cemetery Persuasion falls under the class of what persuasion scholar "Doktor Sulo" refers to as "one-shot persuasion." This term comes from the world of sales and is used to differentiate the selling methods used with a customer whom you will only be dealing with once, and the methods of "long term persuasion," which are used when it's best to bring up a long-term buyer-seller relationship.

For instance, a used car salesperson will commonly pitch his prospects in a dissimilar way than would a financial advisor. The car salesperson might use confident techniques to engage his prospect's emotions, bring them to a fever pitch and take advantage of their current emotional state. He won't have to worry much about how he'll be perceived by his customer in the hereafter because he knows they will probably never see each other again. This can increase the temptation to resort to deceitful or unethical sales practices.

The financial planner, however, will be in touch with his clients over a long period of time, so it's in his best interest to generate a long-term confident perception of himself which will help to ensure repeat business. The unlikeness in the middle of these two methods is equivalent to chopping a tree down to get at the apples, and using a ladder so you can pick the fruit each season for years to come.

When it comes to romantic relationships, it makes confident sense to think of your partner as person with whom you would want to bring up long-term rapport. And just like a smart financial planner, you need to keep in mind that all your persuasive efforts should supervene in a win-win situation for both parties. If not, you will finally have to deal with some serious buyer's remorse.

Sadly, it seems that citizen use all sorts of sneaky tactics to get what they want from their partners and then act surprised when they have to deal with the backlash. How do you act when things aren't going your way? Do you nag, whine, chastise, place blame, withdraw, berate, or belittle? These are all examples of Pet Cemetery Persuasion.

The name for this view was inspired by a beloved Stephen King book entitled, "Pet Cemetery." And just in case you haven't read it (or seen the movie) here is the gist of what happens:

A woman has a cat she loves very much. While she is away on vacation the cat is killed. Her husband becomes distressed over the situation and looks for a way to fix the problem before his wife returns.

Somehow, he hears about an old Indian burial ground not too far from where he lives. It is rumored that anything is buried in this sacred ground comes back to life. Of course, the man is skeptical, but he decides it can't hurt to give it a shot and see what happens.

Before he can make it to the cemetery, an old Indian approaches the man and warns him about his course of action. The Indian says that while things buried here do come back to life, they will never be the same. But the man fails to heed this advice, and buries the cat regardless. A few days later, the cat returns to the house finding a tiny dirty, but otherwise in great shape and the man is thrilled. He thinks that the cat is back just as it was before and that his wife will never perceive what had happened.

But as the days pass, the cat starts to change. It becomes more rabid and demonic and attacks anything who comes near it.

When his wife returns, she is happy to see "Fluffy" alive, but her happiness is short lived; her son is struck and killed by a truck a few days later. Her husband refuses to accept the loss of their child and decides to bury their son in the Pet Cemetery, without his wife's knowledge. But this time, when tiny Junior comes back to life, he goes on a vicious killing spree which leaves his mother dead and his father barely alive.

While this is a rather macabre example, having a strong optic in mind will make it much easier to understand this next principle: When you try to coerce person to do something against his will, (while he is completely aware of it), you are metaphorically smacking him over the head with a shovel and burying him in the Pet Cemetery. He may seem fine at first, but you had better sleep with one eye open. He'll be back shortly to say hello.

Remember the conversation in the middle of Joe and Lisa? Let's take a look at what happens the day after their argument:

On the way home from Lisa's mother's house:

Lisa: "It was absolutely nice to see mom again. I think she was happy to see us too. Wasn't the food fantastic?"

Joe: (silence)

Lisa: "Honey?"

Joe: (grumbling) "Yeah. Wonderful."

Lisa: "What's your problem?"

Joe: (furious) "I went to your supper and you're still whining? What the hell is the matter with you? All you do is nag and complain!"

Lisa (confused and getting angry herself): "Why are you yelling at me? I view we had a nice time tonight and now you're starting in on me for no reason!"

Joe: "No reason? Are you completely out of your mind? Just shut your mouth and let me drive!"

This is an example of what happens when you allow yourself to get caught up in negative emotions and lose sight of the bigger picture. When Joe refused to grant Lisa's request, she blew her stack and dragged poor Joe, kicking and screaming, to the Pet Cemetery.

Lisa had fullness of other persuasive options available to her, although she might not have been aware of them. However, many citizen who don't know how to properly deal with their anger and dissatisfaction will resort to Pet Cem tactics because they will be oblivious to the end supervene of these methods while absolutely satisfied by the immediate gratification of their short-term results. In other words, the quickest and easiest path to getting their way is the one they will choose.

For Lisa, her first endeavor at Pet Cem was to use guilt as a weapon. Instead of listening to the valid theorize Joe had for not wanting to cancel his game, Lisa accused him of not caring about her. When Joe still refused to budge, she started using threats to get her way. Under this kind of pressure, Joe had no choice but to concede and Lisa got the supervene she was finding for. Things returned to general shortly after...

...or did they? What Lisa didn't notice was the growing resentment that Joe was harboring. It took a full day to brew and then completely exploded in her face when she least thinkable, it. "Hi honey. It's me, Joe... Back from the dead."

While there are many variations of Pet Cem behaviors such as yelling, threatening, or begging, I feel that the most hazardous is using guilt to get what you want. It's no underground that most women are attracted to strong men and using guilt as a weapon is the tactic of the weak and needy. But sadly, it also seems that guilt is commonly the first recipe citizen resort to when they can't seem to get their way, such as Lisa did in the above example.

Now sometimes these strategies will work. Just remember that whether you beg like a tiny child to gain her condolement or threaten to put her X-rated videos on the internet, the end supervene is that your girl will feel coerced and will start to resent you, which is not something you need in your relationship.

Is All Persuasion Manipulative?

Many citizen may not perceive that there is a huge unlikeness in the middle of persuasion and coercion. Persuasion makes citizen feel good when they do what you want, whereas coercion is the evil twin of persuasion. It's the equivalent of getting citizen to do your bidding at gunpoint. In this case, you use a mental gun like a "guilt gun" or a "blame gun" but it's still a weapon pointed right at their heads. While they may do what you want, they will not feel good when they do it. It will be like having to change someone's bed pan; you'll get it done because you have to, but you'll be dragging your feet the whole way.

Using this kind of manipulation strategy while a breakup (or before things get too far gone) can keep a connection going but it completely destroys the spark (the attraction) which is the foundation for all things that you have. The Pet Cemetery is such a great metaphor because at first glance, you think everything's great because your connection is alive and well, but upon closer inspection you perceive that things have changed drastically and your partner is just a poor replica of who she was before. Your goal after a breakup should be to get the same person back that you used to have, not to turn them into a whole new person who hates your guts.

Think of a time when you felt forced into making a decision that you were reluctant to make. How did you feel about the situation? More importantly, how did you feel about the person who was using a manipulation strategy? Is this the way you want your girl to feel about you?

Here's a more greatest example that illustrates Pet Cem clearly, albeit rather graphically:

Many years ago, I was watching an chapter of the show "America's Most Wanted." This particular chapter featured a gorgeous twenty-five year old blond named Samantha who was dating a twenty-seven year old victorious gym owner named Hans. They enjoyed a great connection which progressed to a consulation about marriage. Hans decides that he wasn't ready to get married, but still wanted to be with Samantha. Samantha wasn't having it.

Eventually, she gave him an ultimatum: "If you don't marry me, I'll go find person else who will."

Hans didn't balk and continued to put the marriage off. So Samantha, frustrated, ran to Hans' best friend, Jack, and told him her woes. Jack comforted her by calling Hans an idiot and saying how any man would reconsider himself lucky to be her husband. The two continued to talk to each other over any weeks and began to form an intimate relationship. Less than a month later, the two (Jack and Samantha) got married.

Hans was completely distraught and in shock over the duplicate betrayal. Not yet content, Samantha went ahead and poured salt in his wounds by expressing her total satisfaction with Jack. This led to any confrontations in the middle of the two men and Jack warned Hans to stay away from his wife.

A few weeks went by. Hans ultimately called Samantha and threatened to kill himself if she didn't come back to him. Samantha, touched by this confession, expressed her remorse over what had transpired. She realized that she had made a mistake because she had loved Hans all along.

This led to one last confrontation in the middle of Jack and Hans. But this time, exchanging words was not enough for Jack, so he took it a step further by hiring a hit man to kill Hans. Jack is now on the run from the law for the murder of his best friend.

In a televised interview, Samantha expressed how she had always wanted to be with Hans. "While Jack was fun to be around," she said, "I knew it wouldn't last because my heart belongs to Hans." Choking back tears, Samantha's final words were, "And now I have nothing. I hope they catch Jack and prosecute him for what he did."

Samantha had desired Hans all along. But when things weren't going her way, she tried to bury her connection in the Pet Cemetery to get what she wanted. In actuality, her strategy did work to some degree and maybe if Hans wasn't killed their connection would have seemed general again, for a tiny while at least. But it never would have been the same.

This sort of thing happens all the time, often in a less greatest way but with similar results. Typically, Pet Cem behavior will rear its ugly head after a person has tried numerous ways of getting what they want but to no avail. It's commonly a very sufficient method, since it attempts to persuade by taking away something that a person holds emotionally dear to them. However, it's nothing more than a behavioral padlock that restricts a person's choices to the extreme.

So remember that anytime person feels coerced against their will, it's a supervene of person using manipulation as opposed to persuasion. And since this can be very detrimental to a continued confident relationship, you always need to look upon these inferior methods as the equivalent to selling your soul to get what you want; while it may seem like a victory, the person you manipulate will lose all respect for you, and once that's gone you'll have nothing left.

This is even more hazardous when it happens with a girlfriend or ex. I truly believe that women need to feel a deep sense of respect towards their partners to be fully satisfied in a connection and any harbored resentment will finally eat away at that respect until it is completely consumed. So beware of turning your girl into an evil "Fluffy" who will be privately waiting for the right time to claw your eyes out.

The Twelve Breakup Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs

If you are currently experiencing a recent breakup, the first thing you must do is look over the following list of major mistakes and notice if you've been using any of them unknowingly, along with making any Pet Cemetery mistakes as well. Of course, the next thing to do is to stop these behaviors immediately. These mistakes are brutal connection killers and need to be avoided like the plague. Here are the top twelve:

1. Refusing to "Shut Down the Town" from the very starting of the breakup

While it may at first seem counter-intuitive, it's the most important part of this strategy and acts as a foundation upon which all things else is built. The best course of operation right now is to stop taking her calls, stop talking to her friends, and avoid finding her in person.

2. Being too nice and understanding. Telling her things like "I will wait for you," kissing her ass, etc.

If you have ever studied the science of Behaviorism, you will perceive that the best way to train an animal to behave correctly is by rewarding the behaviors you want more of and ignoring the behaviors you would like extinguished. Obviously, the very act of breaking up with you is faulty escort and by being kind, understanding and "giving her time," you are rewarding her behavior and tossing the bad dog a biscuit.

3. Loving 100% to get your lover back

This strategy, which one connection scholar advocates, is in the same vein as mistake amount two. This person recommends, in a nutshell, being as sweet as pie to your girl no matter how badly she treats you while also letting her know that you'll wait as long as it takes.

While this strategy may work once in a while, you are completely emasculating yourself in the process. Even if your girl decides to finally take you back, she will have lost a gigantic amount of respect for you which will preclude the connection from lasting. Remember that how she takes you back is more important than when she takes you back.

4. Displaying neediness

The first three mistakes all fall under the umbrella of neediness. This is when your true feelings for your girl, as well as your respect for yourself, come to be completely overshadowed by desperation and misery. A lot of citizen absolutely misconstrue the feelings that their neediness creates for actual love. I will do my best to expound this in depth later on, but for now please perceive that there is a huge unlikeness in the middle of the two. Showing neediness is one of the biggest killers of attraction and must be avoided at all costs.

5. Losing your temper

Not being in operate of your emotions, together with your anger, is someone else major mistake. When person knows exactly how to push your buttons to elicit an emotional reaction out of you, they are keeping a remote operate for your brain which not only makes you lose a gigantic amount of power but allows you to be absolutely manipulated.

Remember that there is a time and place to blow up and let yourself yell and scream. But you must settle when that time is and not just haphazardly sass to situations without known choice. In other words, you must be in operate of your emotional state and be the one who chooses which emotions you display and at which times.

6. Refusing to date other women

Never underestimate the power of the jealousy card. A woman will feel much differently about a man who is in the field scouting for new women than she will about a man who sits home with his buddies each night and drinks his life away. There should be no excuse that keeps you from constantly prospecting, and by disregarding this important step you are artificially inflating your girl's market price.

I need to make a very important unlikeness in the middle of doing this the right way and using it as a Pet Cem maneuver. You do not want to use other women as weapons, period. If you throw it in your girl's face that you are dating (or sleeping with) other women (either while the breakup or after the two of you are back together), it becomes a cheap Pet Cemetery tactic that can absolutely backfire. However, if you keep it a underground and she finds out straight through other sources, it will commonly have a strong effect. The act of you not flaunting it makes it that much more powerful.

The only time you should bring up your exploits in conversation is if she asks you directly. Then, you can tell her absolutely that you've been finding someone. Any faltering here looks like you are hiding something. As long as you say it matter-of-factly and are not seeking a reaction from her, this can absolutely make her very jealous.

7. Not having a detailed plan

Going into a breakup without a clear-cut plan is like parachuting into the jungle, in the midst of a war, without a map or compass. Things can get ugly out there and the last thing you want to worry about is having to find your way out of the bush once your emotions start clouding your judgment; one wrong move can lead you into enemy territory where you'll be left emotionally captured, locked up and tortured for years to come.

Also, a plan helps you stay consistent with your original intent and this consistency is very powerful. A lot of guys will endeavor to stick with one approach, but then do the unblemished opposite when it fails. For example, they may start off by begging their girls to reconsider, and when that doesn't work, they may resort to threats and other malicious behavior. Unfortunately, most girls can see right straight through this sort of manipulation strategy and will immediately length themselves from the manipulator.

8. Not having a strategy to deal with the emotional pain

Let's face it. A breakup can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences in your life, and sometimes the pain just gets to be too much. At this point, many guys look for any way out, even if it means giving up their pride, self-respect, manhood, etc. Our girls fell in love with us in the first place because of these traits, and laying them down in the line of fire while waving a white flag is not going to have your sweetie come running to clean off your wounds. Why would she? You're no longer the man she used to love.

To preclude all this from happening, you must have the proper tools on hand to deal with the mental pain that may come up. Thankfully, I have compiled the most advanced forms of mental rehabilitation known to man and will be teaching them to you step by step. These will make the unlikeness in the middle of forcing yourself to supervene the "Get Your Girl Back System" and easily doing what you need to do.

9. Allowing yourself to stay "stuck"

Letting the breakup completely stagnate your desire to move send in life is one of the worst things you can allow. Once your ambition falls to the wayside, it is only a matter of time before severe depression sets in.

One of the most important things in life is having a strong sense of purpose. A breakup can absolutely allow you to forget what you are here to do, especially when living without your girl can make life seem totally meaningless. This is a huge trap which has crushed many men financially, emotionally and spiritually. Luckily, you will have all the tools you'll need to push send despite any feelings of hopelessness and futility.

10. Failure to sound a communal network.

You must allow yourself to see your friends and sound your sociability while a breakup. Otherwise, you will end up like that guy from the movie "Swingers" who sat in his house for weeks waiting for his girl to call. And remember, when you are out with your buddies you are not allowed to talk about your girl! The whole point of going out with friends is to get your mind off the situation and to learn to have fun without a girlfriend in your life. Also, if you constantly drone on and on about the breakup, your friends will finally tire of it and stop spellbinding you out.

11. Mistaking the reasons your girl gives you for the breakup as the real reasons and acting upon those instead

A woman will very rarely be completely honest with you while a breakup. Sometimes she will try and expound herself by saying things like, "I just need some time alone," and "My life is so complicated right now," while at other times she may be keeping you in the dark completely. I have found that the reasons why a girl leaves her man are almost always the same universally, no matter what she may tell you. And of course, she has very good reasons for not being completely up front with you, which will be covered shortly.

12. Giving her ultimatums

Be careful of ultimatums! It can, however, be a smart move to set up ultimatums in a connection early on, such as, "I don't tolerate dishonesty or cheating, and if that ever occurs in the middle of us, I'm out the door in a heartbeat." By establishing boundaries and refusing to allow your ideas to be compromised, you will be setting a good tone for your relationship. The problems start when you begin to use ultimatums to manipulate unwanted behavior.

For example, when you say to your girl, "If you don't stop hanging out with Monica, we're through," or "If I ever see you flirting with that guy, you'll never see me again," you're making a serious error. The problem with these kinds of ultimatums (in increasing to being Pet Cem tactics) is that they trap you. Most of the time they won't have any supervene on your girl's behavior (many women will test you to find out if you're for real) and they will leave you stuck having to dish out the consequences you previously threatened.

At this point, if you fail to deliver on your threat your girl will perceive that your words carry no weight and will start to lose respect for you. And God forbid she realizes that she can do anything she wants with no repercussions. You'll be in for a world of hurt, my friend.

Being careful enough to avoid the mistakes we have just covered will make the road to getting your girl back that much smoother. I wish you the best of luck.

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From Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves to Dictators, Gymnasts, and Orphans - Images of Romanians

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One can surely sympathize with the exasperation of Alexandra Toma, described in 2005 by the Romanian daily Jurnalul National as “the single Romanian political advisor for foreign procedure in the American Congress” (according to the article, as of early 2005 she was serving on the staff of House of Representatives member Stephen Lynch (Democrat, Massachusetts)):

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In America, Romanian “orphans” are famous. every person asks me about them. That’s all they know. Just orphans, Ceausescu, and Dracula. Those are the three questions I always get asked. “The Romanian Orphans” are always on the Tv. (Ana-Maria Luca, “O romanca la Capitol Hill [A Romanian Girl on Capitol Hill],” Jurnalul National, 25 February 2005, online edition).

Alexandra Toma’s disappointment is not unique. Alexandra Diaconu wrote an exquisite article wittily entitled “Cum ne vindem tara (How we sell our country)”—the title maybe a play on the sublime chant of the rampaging miners of June 1990, with whom the country became identified in the international consciousness, thanks to televised images of savage “Balkan” brutality and chaos. (The miners roamed the streets of Bucharest shouting “Nu ne vindem tara,” that is, “We aren’t selling [out] our country.”) Diaconu observed:

When you say France, a few words automatically come to mind: wines, perfumes, refinement, Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the list goes on. When you say Italy: “la dolce vita [the good life],” Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Pavarotti, Milano, and fashion, the Colosseum, Venice or the [Leaning] Tower of Pisa. When others speak of Romania, however, assuming they have heard anyone about us, they think in the first place of Dracula, Ceausescu, Nadia, street children, corruption, immigrants or, and even worse, the imaginary Romanian terrorists that still appear in post-1990 American films [I’d love to know exactly which films she is referring to here, because I am very well-known with the topic and don’t know what she is talking about: Call me Ahab! See my most recent publication on the topic, “Orwellian…Positively Orwellian” Prosecutor Voinea’s Campaign to Sanitize the Romanian Revolution of December 1989” at].
…Without question, Romania has an image problem. In the past 15 years, it has become something of a national refrain repeated periodically by politicians in electoral campaigns, by cultural elites, when the foreign press judges us critically, when any foreigner confuses Bucharest with Budapest and when our sportspeople return from international competitions laden with medals. [Diaconu, Evenimentul Zilei, 5 June 2005, online edition]

A annotation on Diaconu’s characterization seems in order here before inspiring on. The Bucharest-Budapest confusion, one which frankly is at least understandable because of the similarity of the two capital names in English and many languages, is ceaselessly annoying to both Hungarians and Romanians—and regional specialists—who feel insulted and powerless to overcome foreign ignorance about what is for them a simple, but huge distinction. And it does matter…to the point of having the potential to lead to wounded national pride and inter-state tensions. When Us Team Captain Dennis Ralston was presented with the Davis Cup in 1972 in Bucharest, after what an English commentator termed “the noisiest, angriest, the most inspiring and most passionate contest in the history of Davis Cup competition,” Ralston thanked “‘the good population of Budapest’ for their kindness and spoke of the memories the Us team would take back with them ‘of Budapest’s sportsmanship’…[that this] ‘famous victory means Budapest will forever be remembered by American tennis’” (Keating, The Guardian, 11/28/97). Of course, maybe this mistake should not have been surprising, given that the English commentator recounted of one match that “the linesmen were as partisan as the crowd and with armed guards around the court the efforts of the referee to restore a semblance of fair play were negated by the intimidatory martial atmosphere,” while the American player Stan Smith opined, “I have never been more pleased to be off court. Every arena steward seems to be toting a sub-machinegun and by the look in their eyes the safety-catch is surely cocked and ready.”

Finally, there are the characterizations of Romanian émigrés who have settled in the U.S. And Americans who have spent extended time in Romania. “What do Americans see when they look at a Romanian?” asks Andrei Codrescu in The Disappearance of the Outside. “Three things: Dracula, Eugene Ionesco, and Nadia Comaneci. In other words, sex, the absurd, and gymnastic ability” (p. 42) (Ileana Florentina Popa, “Cultural Stereotypes: From Dracula's Myth to modern Diasporic Productions,” Vcu thesis, p. 77, May 2006 at [].). In other words, essentially the plotline for the Seinfeld episode which introduced this paper!)

Brand-ing Romania: Beyond “The lowest of the Heap”

That Romania’s image or “brand,” is not merely a partisan political, and thus bounded, issue, has increasingly been realized by those for whom it is a matter of business, a reality of life, rather than a matter of an intellectual’s blame game. The “image of Romania” has even spawned a Branding website—[]—to discuss the issues of constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing stereotypes. On 24 June 2005 Corin Chiriac got the ball rolling by asking posters their perceptions of “stereotypes of Romanians and Romania.” The following example was given to spark debate:

People and Personalities: Ceausescu, Dracula, Nadia Comaneci, Hagi [famous soccer player], and folklorists.

Character and Behavior: sa moara capra vecinului [screw your neighbor], proasta organizare [poor organization] (lines and especially poorly formed lines, ignoring scheduled hours), lack of respect for rules (cut to the front of the line mentality)

Events: The Revolution of 1989, Cerbul de aur [annual Brasov-based talent show], mineriadele [referencing the five brutal journeys of the miners towards Bucharest in 1990, 1991, and 1999]

Places: Bucharest, the Danube Delta, Prahova Valley (Predeal, Sinaia), Sfinxul

Monuments or buildings: Casa Poporului [Ceausescu’s “House of the People” monstrosity], Hotel Intercontinental, the monasteries of Bucovina, Bran castle.

The website appears partly responsible for new reflection on the issue of “branding the Romanian image” in the Romanian press that goes less in search of scapegoats for the situation and more in search of solutions. On 25 October 2005, Mihai Ghyka wrote an article entitled “Branding Romania—a ship sunk at the dock” in the daily Gandul in which he opined:

Romania—the country of gypsies. Romania—the country of handicapped orphans. Romania—a corrupt and dirty country. Romania—a country lacking in civilization. either or not we like them, these are the most frequent associations that pop into the mind of foreigners when they are asked what they know about Romania. For better than 15 years, the image of Romania in the world has been left to accidental whimsy.

In recent years, Romania has spent an each year funds of approximately 20 million Euros, promoting at random tourism, Brancusi [famous sculptor], Romanian products, the Enescu Festival and diverse industrial fairs…Each minister promoted his activities as best he knew how, by himself. (Mihai Ghyka, “Branding Romania – vaporul scufundat in port,” Gandul, 25 October 2005.)

A truly inspiring and insightful reflection on all this was posted on the branding website on 3 February 2006 under the title “Permission to Brand”:

Starting from zero “Romania has so many problems in terms of perception that it becomes difficult to make an inventory,” says Valeriu Turcan, president of the branch of Governmental Strategies, which is spearheading the branding Romania campaign. “The incompatibility in the middle of Romania and other countries is that its Communist past and its experiences right after 1989 have been much more negative and illustrated in Western media compared to the others.” Turcan cites the ‘Mineriade’, where miners traveled to Bucharest to violently break-up an anti-Neocommunist demonstration, the orphanages and Romanians who break laws abroad as image wreckers. “This photograph is incomplete, out of date and very difficult to change,” he adds.

Country branding expert Simon Anholt says that this problem exists in many transition economies. “Their brand is still strongly tainted with negative imagery acquired under Soviet influence,” he says, “and the majority of foreign publics have not yet updated their perceptions. The only calculate why Bulgaria and Poland are doing better [than Romania] is because they are better organised and are doing something about it.” “Romania was a blank page after the Revolution and this was what was first communicated,” says Ioana Manea, managing partner at brand and communication firm Loco. “These things do not have the depth they used to have.”

Communism and its fall-out also practice a superior hold over the western imagination. Visitors to Romania still bring packet soups and Mars bars, to use as currency. They are also scared to investment out after nine o’clock at night. Anthropologist Vintila Mihailescu, director of the award-winning Romanian Peasant’s Museum, says that compared to other ex-Communist countries in the region Romania still has, for the covering eye, a still strongly illustrated label of Communist country. Something the authorities and population have failed to change. “When a person, a group, a nation does not build itself an image, it is attributed one, the first one at hand,” he adds.

Another problem is the vacuum of knowledge the west has of Romania. “Many free citizens of Europe are confused in the middle of Budapest and Bucharest and Romania and Bulgaria,” says Manea. “We deceive ourselves that Nadia Comaneci meant something to the world and that every person knows Hagi,” says Naumovici. “Romanians are too optimistic and see Romania as the most beautiful place in the world. education is partly to blame for this. “We [Romanians] were taught while customary school that we beat the Turks,” he adds, “that we can mend a car with a piece of wire, while the Germans had to wait for a spare part to come from the factory.” (Anca Pol, Ana-Maria Smadeanu and Michael Bird, “Permission to brand,” 3 February 2006, the ‘The Diplomat - Bucharest’)

Wally Olins, one of the apparent gurus of country image-making, recommend recently that Romania may already be developing safe bet elements to counter the negative ones related with its international “brand.” Part of Olins’ doctrine seems to be something of jiu-jitsu, development lemonade out of lemons, as he suggests with Nicolae Ceausescu’s “House of the People.” Like it or not, this interests foreigners about Romania. according to Olins: “If I tell population I am going to Bucharest, 20 % believe I am going to Hungary [the Bucharest-Budapest confusion], another 20% asks me what I am going there for, and 15 % ask me if I am going to see Ceausescu’s palace.” (Wally Olins, interview by Cosmin Popan, “Romania devine brand fara stirea ei,” Cotidianul, 15 February 2007, online edition). In other words, use what you have, allow the audience or market to determine comparative advantage/value…and go with the flow.

Nicolae Carpathia

What? You say you’ve never heard of Nicolae Carpathia? Look him up on the Internet. The last time I did [late summer 2005], Nicolae Ceausescu had 67,000 webpages, Nicolae Carpathia 14,500! (Of course, neither can hold a lit torch to Dracula, who weighs in at 2,270,000 google hits!)

Well, if you haven’t, don’t feel so bad, neither did I until recently. Nicolae Carpathia is the Anti-Christ of the “Left Behind” evangelical Christian book-series that sketches out visions of the time to come based on a very definite reading of the Book of Revelation in the Bible’s New Testament. Over the past decade, more than 60 million copies of the “Left Behind” series have been sold (Michael Standaert, L.A. Times, 25 May 2005)! A low-budget film based on the series came out any years back starring Kirk Cameron, a “teen-age heart throb” of the 1980s television sitcom “Growing Pains,”—Cameron is himself a fervent born-again Christian.

Dr. Stu Johnson described “Nicolae Carpathia in the Apocalyse Series” in an article on posted 20 May 2004:

Fairly early in Apocalypse Dawn, we meet the charismatic Carpathia:
Not every politician was pushing for more and bigger weapons and more and bigger armies. Goose had heard of a United Nations representative from Romania named Nicolae Carpathia. Surprisingly, Carpathia was pushing for disarmament in his own country. At the time he'd heard that, Goose had never opinion it would happen. Romania was part of Eastern Europe, left orphaned by the failed Soviet Communist government, and host to a series of bloodthirsty dictators who had only been driven from office by equally bloodthirsty military uprisings. Most military analysts had figured that the country would be awash in political unrest and military performance for decades to come. Instead, Carpathia had begun to quiet Romania down, approximately as if by magic. [emphasis mine] (Dawn, pp. 47-48)

Johnson continues:

Later, we learn more of Carpathia as Romanian satellites are leased to U.S. military to fill in gaps in their system, sent into chaos by "the disappearances” [author’s note: i.e. The Rapture whereby the “saved” are suddenly and inexplicably plucked from earth to heaven].

"I can give you way to another satellite system," [said Cody].

Remington curbed his disappointment with the situation. "What satellites?"

"Satellites leased by the Romanian government," Cody said. "Other satellites that Nicolae Carpathia owns and has offered for your use."

Remington knew the name. Carpathia was an international figure, and part of the calculate the U.N. Peacekeeping military and the United States Army Rangers were presently in-country. Carpathia had taken his own country by storm, becoming the darling of the population over the last few years after getting off to a less-than-sterling beginning. Yesterday, the president of Romania had stepped down and recommend that the legislature appoint Carpathia as their new president [author’s note: i.e. A clear Hindenburg-Hitler analogy here]. In a surprising turn of events, both houses had unanimously done just that. Before becoming a member of the House of Deputies in Romania, Carpathia had been a shrewd businessman who had his fingers in many international business ventures. He'd gotten rich. Remington wasn't surprised to learn that Carpathia had invested heavily in communications, and satellites would have been one of the most natural investments. (Dawn, pp. 213-14)

According to Michael Standaert in his recapitulate of the most recent book of the series, “In the Beginning; The Rising: Before They Were Left Behind” by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, “this prequel sets up Carpathia as embodying everything stereotypically liberal” (Standaert, 2005). Indeed, Carpathia is the creation of a conspiratorial group of “international bankers”—could there be a clearer code for “Jews”?—and, as if that were not enough, approximately unsurprisingly given the radical right-wing leanings of the authors and many of the readers of the series, Carpathia is “a genetically engineered test-tube baby with the Dna of two homosexual fathers”[!, the trifecta…how prosaic]. And Satan’s military predictably use the cherished institutions and policies the radical-right attributes to “liberals” (i.e. The left in the political parlance of the American right)—the U.N., disarmament, peacekeeping forces, and satellite television (somewhat ironic I would add given the use of this by evangelical fundraisers themselves!; clearly they have in mind here Ted Turner and not Ruppert Murdoch)—to fabricate tyrannical “one world government.”

The hazy favorite and media images of Romania shine through in the character of Nicolae Carpathia. It is a simplistic and, frankly, tacky amalgam. Nicolae Ceausescu, “Genius of the Carpathians”…and so we get “Nicolae Carpathia.” A brutal dictator who was initially perceived in safe bet terms: he presents himself as a man of peace, a proponent of “disarmament,” a supporter of Israel (when he surely is not), a neutral arbiter of international relations in a difficult time. When the Ceausescus were executed on Christmas Day 1989, the Romanian media hyperbolically proclaimed “The Antichrist is Dead” (the deconstructivists among Romanian intellectuals at home and abroad ascribed intent of the former communists to cynically use religious language to cleanse their sins before the population and buy credibility—to me this is over-interpretation.) Romania is depicted as a place of chaos, military intervention, and mystical leaders and politics. And if that is not enough, Carpathia’s political assistant is named Stolojan—the last name, it just so happens, of the Romanian Prime minister from September 1991 to November 1992. One inspiring difference, however, that would be difficult for evangelicals to interpret is that whereas Ceausescu banned abortions, Carpathia imposes them!

Predictably, and it would be inspiring to see what Romanian evangelicals surely think of the series, Romanians have not been amused by the option of a Romanian as the anti-Christ in the end of time! (Indeed, as Theodor Stolojan’s political profile rose once again in Romanian politics in early 2007, the daily Cotidianul noted the work on of the “Left Behind” series was such that “when you look up the word ‘Stolojan’ on the Internet, the first five results refer to the character in the book,” foremost the author to opine “it is impossible to appraisal for just how many population the Romania described in the book [is for them Romania]” (Barbu Mateescu, “Stolojan si presedintele sint eroi negativi in Sua,” Cotidianul, 17 February 2007, online edition). Of course, the very fact that this paradigm [Nicolae Ceausescu] is used is because it exists—it says everything that Nicolae Carpathia is a Romanian, not say a Bulgarian, Albanian, or Hungarian.

Gymnasts, Acrobats, and Circus Performers…Oh My!

Clearly, Nadia has been the template for all “gymnast”-based images of Romanians in American pop culture since the 1970s. In a 1989 romantic comedy, “Her Alibi,” the Czech model Paulina Porazskova plays a Romanian circus performer (acrobats are the afterlife, professional extension of gymnasts apparently) who defects and falls in love with a character played by Tom Selleck. The Securitate make a cameo in the film trying to prevent her defection, although if I remember correctly, as always there appears to be some political/cultural confusion/script simplification, with references to them as the “kgb” or the like.

Although it is no great insight, it is inspiring to note in the context of “Her Alibi” how Hollywood was (is) a barometer, if a lagging one, in terms of geopolitical relations. The James Bond film series is, of course, the most sublime of these, with the comparative role of the renegade Chinese revolutionary communists rising in the 1960s, with Barbara Bach as not just Russian love interest, but as professional partner in the détente-era “The Spy Who Loved Me (1977),” (the Soviets all-but-disappear from the 1979 “Moonraker”) and with a return to outright identification of the Soviets and related East Europeans (East Germans, Czechs, etc.) as the enemy in the 1980s (at its apogee in film as in life with the 1983 “Octopussy”—fanatical Soviet general using faberge eggs to undermine the West, a showdown in East Berlin, etc.). With movies such as “Red Heat (1988),” the typical buddy-cop, fish-out-of-water, opposites-become-friends movie (see, for example, Beverly Hills Cop (1984)) showing Soviet (Arnold Schwarzenneger, Austrian descent) and American (Jim Belushi, Albanian descent) cops working against the politically-correct scourge of the 1980s—drug kingpins, a threat to both American and Soviet societies that they could agree on…after all, what about the children?, I believe the children are our future…), Hollywood chose to find more geopolitically-correct villains.

By 1989, Gorbachev’s Soviet Union was not a geoplitically-correct villain; Ceausescu’s Romania, on the other hand, was—it would be inspiring to see how a similar script would have been written a decade before, when Romania was on the top of the West’s geopolitical world. Of course, if the creation of fictional enemy countries—satirized well in the Austin Power film series, Kreplakistan—can be annoying and is itself still an amalgam stereotype of the former Soviet Union, from Ukraine to Central Asia, Hollywood’s search for the most consensual-least box-office controversial enemy can have backlash, especially years later. See, for example, the substitution of generic Middle Eastern enemies for the Soviets and others as the 1980s progressed; the choice, for example, of “Libyan terrorists” in the 1985 “Back to the Future” may have seemed like a “safe” one—an valid enemy of the Us, that had targeted Americans in terrorist acts (such as the Berlin discotheque bombing), and that had a very small Libyan (as opposed to Arab) émigré community in the United States—but it is clear that in retrospect it was far from “safe.” Clearly, as the Soviet Union waned, drug cartels became prosaic and boring, and the East bloc “mafiya” prototype ran its course, the xenophobic “Middle Eastern terrorists” became “useful.” The United States, in part, probably reaps some of the anger directed against it from the happenstance, box office driven option of real-world enemies for action-thrillers in a post-Cold War world.

The Seinfeld episode that introduced this paper—with its Romanian gymnast-cum-acrobat—“Her Alibi,” etc. Made me quiz, either there was any empirical reality that may have contributed to the birth and growth of this stereotype. I have not compared things systematically to the situation of defectors from other East bloc countries, but I did a brief search in the Washington Post and New York Times on the subject. Clearly, the most well-known, “gymnastics defections” from Romania were those of Nadia herself in November 1989 and in 1981 her controversial ethnic Hungarian coach Bela Karolyi, his wife Marta, and the Romanian team choreographer Geza Pozar (based on the name, apparently also likely Hungarian). In November 1985, an acrobat, Andi Georgescu, who performed for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey, defected (Wp 11/22/85 A 30a; Nyt 11/22/85 Ii 3:1). In April 1987, two 16 year olds, Carmen Georgescu and Julia Catrinoiu, both gymnasts and acrobats were granted political asylum (Nyt 4/9/87 Ii 7:6; Wp 2/24/87 A 14a). In August 1987, four acrobats in California with Ringling and Barnum and Bailey sought asylum (Nyt 8/8/87). It is potential that coverage of such incidents, particularly in the media of major metropolitan areas could have, by osmosis, created this association and image, particularly among America’s creative intellectuals? Of course, once again, as occurs throughout many examples raised in this paper, there is the chicken-or-the-egg problem, since coverage and attention given to these single types of defections—of gymnast/acrobats, from Romania—had already been conditioned by Nadia and Romanian gymnastics (in fact, in a sense perhaps, to the extent that was possible, made “easier,” likely to garner more media coverage, and a greater blow to a country whose credit had become tied to this issue).

The Magical and the Mystical

As a repository for the occult, for evil, for the mysterious spiritual world, Romania became a good bet for American television shows while the early and mid-1990s. Thus, the 5 May 1993 episode of the drama “Law and Order” entitled bluntly “Securitate,” has a lawyer pleading that his Romanian immigrant client expensed with murder is “not guilty due to cultural insanity” claiming he had been “conditioned to violence in his homeland” [!]. There is, of course, the great irony here, that what in the American context may appear to be “understanding”—sensitive to cultural differences, recognizing the societal influences on individual action—would no doubt beckon Todorova-like indignance over a first-rate “Balkan” stereotype. Moreover, given the timing of the episode (May 1993), a year into the Bosnian conflict, the consulation of “cultural insanity” played well into the Kaplanesque “ancient hatreds” mentality so prevalent at the time. And to top it all off, three of the main characters in the episode have the last name Iliescu!

The magical-mystery tourism aspect of Romania is better explored in the 14 April 1995 episode of the “X-Files” where the customary Romanian fertility folk dancers, the “Calusari,” become a trope for warding off evil. In this episode, Romanian language shows up again. A character in the episode comments on the Calusari: “In Romania, they are responsible for the spoton observance of sacred rites.” An episode capsule expands on their role in the plot:

When Steve Holvey is later killed in a bizarre accident, ash from the scene is identified as a substance called Vibuti, holy ash produced while the nearnessy of spiritual beings. The Grandmother later dies while performing a protective ritual on Charlie and when a public worker questions Charlie about the incident, he claims his still born twin brother Michael killed her. Which comes as a shock to Maggie Holvey, who claims she never told Charlie about his dead twin brother. It appears that the families only hope is a strange group of Romanian elderly chanters called The Calusari.

The exotic and superstitious are in full effect: Bram Stoker’s Romania meets Fbi chasers of Ufos and the supernatural.

The “Romanian Quintuplets” South Park Episode:
A Cornucopia of modern Romanian Pop Culture Images in North America

Comedy shows, often distastefully, have also used Romanian images to good effect. For example, the British comedy series of the 1990s, “Absolutely Fabulous” in which a layabout, alcoholic, high-maintenance fashion-designer threatens her straightlaced daughter that she will adopt Romanian orphans if her daughter won’t request her to a school presentation. The threat backfires when her addle-minded assistant surely follows through on the idea and Romanian orphan babies begin arriving ("Iso Tank," 10/3/92). However, the trifecta, the grand slam, of American (although the creator of the show is Canadian) images of Romanians—and one that is surely intended, it appears, to be just that—is the so-called “Romanian Quint(uplet)s” episode of the cartoon series “South Park.”

The “South Park” episode from 2000 (Original Air Date: 26 April 2000) is a satire of the Elian (aka Alien) Gonzalez saga from the spring of that year—an arguably absurd made-for-cable/satellite “twenty-four/seven” round-the-clock television news channel production, with Cuban émigrés in Florida attempting to prevent the return of a seven-year old boy to his father in Cuba. In retrospect, given the whole Florida fiasco in the 2000 elections—and I am not aware of any studies that have specifically looked into the issue although they may exist—one has to wonder if the television coverage of the saga and interest in the Cuban and other communities in Florida may have contributed in some (though doubtfully decisive) measure to the choosing results. The South Park episode has orphan Romanian gymnasts/acrobats from the circus defecting from communist-like bureaucrats and a country described in the most negative terms.

The episode contains a amount of the characteristics and stereotypes of (North) American images of Romanians. A Romanian woman is named “Mrs. Vladchick,” one can assume a sort of slang mixture of Vlad (Tepes, aka Dracula) and “chick” (also, conveniently an ending for some (especially South) Slavic last names in English). Names and language are pseudo-slavic: although one girl is named Nadia (a clear descendent of the ’76 Olympics), another is named Baltania, while Mrs. Vladchick carries on a conversation in “Romanian” that centers around the following gibberish: “Nid kelmin da bushka.” It should also be noted that the idea of “quintuplets”-as-circus-show-for-viewing may be influenced by the story of five French Canadian sisters—the Dionne quintuplets—who were treated in this manner in the 1930s in Canada without much regard to their fate (the story was given wide play in the late 1990s and the creator of the show is Canadian, so this may be the link).

A television reporter summarizes the background and scene as the Mrs. Vladchick’s Quintuplets from the traveling “Cirque de Cheville” effort to defect:

Tom, I'm standing at the home in South Park where five high-priced puny girls have been rescued from Romania. Their mum passes away some months ago, and then their grandmother died trying to bring them here. But all is well now, and population are coming from all over the country to view the puny tykes. [someone takes a picture] If you'd like to come down and visit the quintuplets, admission is only , and for a few dollars more ["Feed The Quints! One Dollar" A man buys some fishsticks], you can feed them fishsticks.

A Quint: [hops up and down, then opens her mouth for a fishstick the man drops down to her] Mmm.

Reporter: Tom, it looks like these cute puny girls have made it out of that armpit of a country they call Romania.

[Romania, day. Government officials watch the article in a run-down office]

Reporter: Yes, luckily for them, these quintuplets no longer have to live in
Romania, the asshole of the world. [a last shot of the quints is seen] Back to you, Tom.

President: This is not good. It makes our country look poor and stupid.

Romanian Official: This could kill our tourism.

President: You know what to do. [they salute him and leave.]

(author’s note: from episode 403 “The Quintuplets,” script can be found online at many sites, for example, [], captions as found in script).

In a later scene, one of the South Park children, Cartman, tries to convince the quints that they don’t want to go back to Romania, by saying, “In Romania they just oppress you and try to bring you down.” All is for naught, however, for, as with Elian Gonzalez, the Quints’ father comes forward, and (then Attorney General) Janet Reno descends on Easter Sunday in an Easter Bunny suit, seizing the girls at gunpoint with well-armed soldiers in the background.

“Vlad,” orphans, gymnasts/acrobats, Romania as a poverty-stricken country dependent on traveler revenues and run by a mindless, arduous bureaucracy and an aggressive president—the images/stereotypes are all here. Ironically, South Park and this episode are maybe more bent on satirizing (North) American community and the hypocrisy, absurdity, and sanctimony of politicians, special interest groups, and the media. Yet, with Romania as prop, they succeed in creating a “perfect storm” of kitsch Romanian pop-culture iconography (although in truth, political correctness is always a target, never a shackle for the cartoon’s creators).

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Avoiding Triggers to Bipolar Episodes

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In this article, I'd like to go over the main four triggers, and I'd like to do it a dinky differently. I want you to see these triggers from both points of view - from both the survivor and the supporter's views.

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Just to review, in general, a trigger is something external which can set in petition an oncoming bipolar episode. Everyone has dissimilar triggers. For some people, it might be excess stress. For others, it might be frustration at work or a major disappointment. For some citizen who are extremely susceptible, even a seemingly "wrong word" can cause them to go into a bipolar episode.

The person who has Bipolar Disorder should try to resolve what those triggers might be for them, and go over these triggers with their supporter, so both of you are aware of these triggers. "Knowledge is power," so the saying goes, and having this knowledge beforehand can help both of you to avoid an part before it begins.

Once you recognize some key triggers, you can both work on handling those triggers more effectively so they will "lose their power," being less likely to disrupt the stability of the disorder that you both have worked so hard to attain.

Even if you (the survivor) are on medication now and it is retention you stable, you should still both recognize bipolar part triggers and watch for indications of new bipolar episodes because, unfortunately, sometimes even a medication that has worked for years may stop working properly. As I always advise, if this does happen, taste your psychiatrist immediately for his/her advice, so that you don't go into a bipolar episode.

A list of triggers should be a list of those things from past episodes that you've both noticed which signal when things are becoming more serious for the person who has Bipolar Disorder. For example, when my mom refused to leave her room (isolated), this should have told me and my family to take performance then. If we had known that her desire for unblemished isolation meant that her Bipolar Disorder was getting much worse, we would have taken performance sooner.

One of the best ways you can prevent future episodes - also plainly staying on the bipolar medication and following the doctor's treatment plan - is to avoid triggers. Since Everyone is different, Everyone has dissimilar triggers. However, there are some that are most common and which you can begin avoiding now that will help both you (and your supporter who is helping you) to enounce long-term stability of your Bipolar Disorder.

1.Sleep irregularities -

Survivor: Sleeping too dinky or too much are not only signs of an episode, they can also trigger them. You should get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, even if it means adjusting your schedule in order to give you enough time.

Supporter: Help your loved one to enounce good sleep habits. Make sure they go to bed at a uncostly hour and that they get a full night's sleep, not waking up while the night. This is very foremost for their "body clock."

2.Poor cusine -

Survivor: When our bodies don't get the nutrients they need or when we substitute sugar and caffeine for vitamins and minerals, we can cause physiological problems. Work on eating a balanced diet. Avoid caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. an additional one calculate to take these steps is that they can prevent you from developing other condition problems, such as heart disease or Diabetes, which can added complicate the treatment of your Bipolar Disorder.

Supporter: You can help your loved one by cooking meals that are nutritious and healthy. Encourage them to stick to a balanced diet. You should be able to get samples of a wholesome diet from your loved one's doctor, or from the Internet. You can also make sure that they drink only decaffeinated coffee. Try to limit snacks nearby the house, and if you do have snacks, limit them to sugar-free ones.

3.Stress -

Survivor: Some stress in our lives is good, because it drives us to work hard and to good ourselves. Most of us, however, have too much stress in our lives. Stress is one of the estimate one triggers to bipolar episodes; therefore, you need to take performance to cut the stress in your life. Your therapist can help you recognize areas of stress and can give you suggestions for stress reduction. Leisure tapes/Cd's can help. Regular rehearsal can also help you deal with stress.

Supporter: You can help your loved one by reducing the stress in their life. For example, by taking steps to cut their exposure to bad news such as calls from collection agencies or curative bills. By screening their calls and mail, you can help shield them from unneeded, negative stress. You can also help them decrease their stress by encouraging them to exercise, or even going to rehearsal classes with them.

4. Isolation -

Survivor: Many citizen with Bipolar Disorder try to shut themselves away from everyone. Feelings of loneliness and despair can trigger episodes, so you should fight against that desire to come to be a hermit. Instead, join preserve Groups, come to be active in your spiritual community, or spend time normally with your friends and family members. retention a Journal may help you to get your thoughts and feelings out into the open, if you feel you can't share these with anyone else.

Supporter: Try to keep the lines of transportation open with your loved one, so they will talk to you about their feelings of despair and loneliness, before they begin to isolate. If you see them start to isolate, encourage them to spend more time with their friends and family members, church, preserve Group, etc. If they do isolate, encourage them to write their feelings out in a Journal.

These are only four possible part triggers. In my Bipolar Survivors Manual, here is the full list of bipolar part triggers I listed:

• Trigger #1-Problems with Sleep and/or Poor Sleep Quality
• Trigger #2-Increase in Stress
• Trigger #3-Physical Problems
• Trigger #4-Alcohol and Substance Abuse
• Trigger #5-Inconsistency in Taking Your Medication
• Trigger #6-Going off Medication
• Trigger #7-Lack of allowable Treatment
• Trigger #8-Problems at Work
• Trigger #9-Problems in Your Relationship
• Trigger #10-Problems with Yourself
• Trigger #11-Other mental Disorders
• Trigger #12-The Kindling Effect

As I said earlier, one of the best ways you can prevent future episodes - also plainly staying on your medication and following your doctor's treatment plan - is to avoid triggers. retention a Journal and/or a daily Mood Chart so that you can resolve what other triggers may cause you to go into an part will also help you and your loved one to resolve your own individual triggers.

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Eliminate These Six Time Suckers and Take control of Your Day

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If you are already a high achiever who still has time to do all you need and want to do, then stop reading right now and send me Your time supervision tips. If not, you can readily and automatically add some hours of effective time to your week with the following strategies.

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1. Limit Television. There's a intuit the Tv carries such disparaging nicknames as the "idiot box" and "boob tube." For many people, the television wastes startling amounts of costly time. I'm not saying all Tv is evil; it's plainly a matter of priorities. Many people who say they have no time to exercise always find time to watch The Sopranos, American Idol, and Csi. If you're going to watch something, get a Dvr, if you don't already have one. At least you can description your must-see Tv and fast transmit through the commercials when you watch it later. I can't stay up late enough to watch Jay Leno, but since we got the Dvr a incorporate of years ago, I watch his monologue every morning while eating breakfast. I have never seen nor have any desire to watch most of today's beloved Tv shows. Occasionally, I get nearby to the list of episodes of Mythbusters on our Dvr, normally on a morning when the former night's Leno was a rerun.

There are approximately always more important things to do in the evening than watch Tv, like construction my firm or reading to my toddler. If you run your own business, think of it in terms of your hourly rate. How much would a customer or client pay you, or how much could you earn in other ways, while the hour you spend watching that rerun of Law & Order? Of course, you can't put a price on house time, and you can't give full attentiveness to your spouse or offspring with one eye on the tube. If you have the space and funds to yield a room with a television, Dvd player and/or Dvr, and a treadmill, you can categorically make good use of your Tv time. Add more exercise tool for even better results. You can make time for your beloved programs while staying in shape.

2. Banish Mindless Internet Surfing & Computer Games. The Internet is a wonderful, miraculous piece of work, but can also quickly pull you into a nearly infinite galaxy of enthralling but not-terribly-useful information. You can categorically lose track of time while clicking one enthralling link after another. Many folks set timers for their children to limit their computer time, but think nothing of losing critical sleep time staring dazedly at the screen. Computer games also can quickly suck the life blood out of your work and house time. If you're not careful, you'll lose track of time - time that could be spent in more effective endeavors.

3. Turn Away From Office Gossip. Resist the temptation to spend 15 minutes here and there in idle chit-chat with coworkers. Don't get me wrong - some degree of relationship construction at work is important, even critical to your professional happiness and success. But you can categorically turn 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there into a major disruption. The next thing you'll be discussing is that you don't have nearly enough time to do all of your work, and you don't know where the day has gone!

4. Disconnect From Constant Monitoring of Email & Phone Calls. Just because you can be constantly ready doesn't mean that you must be. If you have a secretary or assistant, this someone can screen your calls, visitors and emails. Set aside time on your calendar to return calls and reply emails. Many unannounced exterior visitors will be salespeople. They often provide a critical aid by introducing you to new or less costly products and services, but out of consideration for your time, they should make an appointment, if you have any interest in their wares. If you have no interest whatsoever, don't waste their time or yours. When you're in a time crunch, close your email schedule so that you are not tempted to keep checking it. You can schedule your cell phone with a distinctive ring for calls that you know you'll want to accept, like those from your spouse and children. That way, you don't need to keep checking the caller Id every time it rings.

Ask your employees, coworkers and house to send high priority messages with 911 or some other extra code at the starting of the subject line, to make sure you read those first when you do scan your new mail. Keep in mind that probably 90% of so-called emergencies can be handled by someone else. whether you own the place or just reside high enough up the food chain to warrant urgent calls for help, letting your staff learn how to make good decisions will save every person time in the long run. When you leave a phone message for someone else, leave a good callback time to avoid the dreaded, time-consuming telephone tag. Example voice mail: "Good afternoon, this is Joe Block, from Block & Block, returning your phone call. I can be reached at 401-555-1772 between the hours of 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon, or tomorrow morning between 10:00 and noon. I look transmit to your call." If possible, turn your voice mail greeting each day to indicate the best times to reach you. Example greeting: "Hello, this is Joe Block with Block & Block. I'm sorry I missed your call. Today is Friday, June 5th, and I will be in the office between 9:00 and 10:00 this morning, as well as from 3:00 to 5:00 this afternoon. If you'd like to leave a message, please do so after the tone."

5. Put the Brakes on Waiting. You can both minimize waiting and make the most of time that you must spend waiting. While waiting on the telephone on hold, check and reply to email. While driving to work or waiting in traffic, listen to educational or motivational audiobooks. Use this time to learn a foreign language or possibly pick up new firm strategies from one of the many tycoons who have written books.

When scheduling medical appointments, try to get the earliest ready appointment. Some of the
best medical providers get way behind as the day progresses because they spend anyone time is critical to reply all of their patients' questions and attend to their needs. The later your appointment time, the longer you will wait. Avoid Monday and Friday medical appointments for habit visits. Sick people line up to be seen before the weekend, or call first thing Monday after feeling progressively worse all weekend. Avoiding Mondays and Fridays means avoiding the most crowded waiting rooms full of
sick people and their germs.

Since some number of waiting is inevitable, always take along a newspaper, magazine or book to pass the time. Some medical offices rely on donations of old magazines from employees to fill their racks. If a 1999 issue of Field & Stream doesn't interest you, you'll be glad you brought along today's newspaper. Alternately, you can use the free aid to download fresh content directly to your Pda before any appointment. It's a great way to carry nearby enough reading material for a long wait without needing a heavy backpack.

6. Don't stop It Just Because You Started It. If the book doesn't live up to its ratings, or you bought into the hype of a very bad movie, you have already wasted money. Don't waste your time as well. I have abandoned books after only a few chapters and walked out of the theater while terrible flicks. learning reviews may save you both the dollars and the hours sometimes, but not always.

Please note that I am not heaping commentary upon those who watch hours of Tv, spend a lot of time in conversation with coworkers, check their Blackberries every 10 minutes, surf the Internet, play video games or read boring books. I merely offer an outline for raising your achievement level by breaking away from common time traps. The rest is up to you.

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Where to Watch Bleach Episodes Online on Your Computer

Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Where to Watch Bleach Episodes Online on Your Computer

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I discovered Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Where to Watch Bleach Episodes Online on Your Computer. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. Where to Watch Bleach Episodes Online on Your Computer

If you're interested in watching the Bleach anime series online on your computer, there are many options for you. If go to any quest machine and quest for a singular part you'll find lots of websites that promise that you can watch full distance shows from their site. It's great to be able to watch your popular Tv series online because it allows you to watch the agenda from everywhere where there is an internet connection. Don't expect Hd ability photo and if you don't have high speed internet access, you may not have a very good viewing experience. Most sites furnish very slow streams and you may get tired and frustrated. Some keep hanging up every few seconds.

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Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free

If you find a website that offers downloads, it may be best to download the bleach part to your pc so that you can watch it without having to compete for streams with other fans. There are other ways that you can watch the Tv series online on your pc or laptop without using fan sites.

One way is to visit the website of the Tv station where the episodes are commonly televised. You may be able to watch the series from their site if they allow that. Some Tv channels do that for free in replacement for showing you ads from their sponsors. Others treat this is a superior service and may ask you to pay a fee in order to be able to passage the shows this way. The paid services often are of a best ability and offer best viewing experience. They may also furnish customer support.

Another way to find and watch bleach episodes online is to use foreign, Free-to-air and international Tv channels. You will have to do a bit of work initially to find out which channels show the series, but after that, just log on and watch when the show is on. There are thousands of these channels online that stream their programs over the internet. Some webmasters have set up websites that comprise and vocalize lists of these channels. There is also software that you can use to pick Tv streams from these channels. The ability differs from channel to channel but if you spend a bit of time finding you may be able to find something that you like.

Many of these associates are huge Tv stations so they have the equipment necessary to sustain many internet users using their service at the same time. So their streams are best than those that you can get from Bleach fan sites. Also, you'll be able to watch the shows without breaking the law as they have licenses to stream the episodes to audiences online. Many fan sites don't and if you're planning to download Bleach anime series episodes from these sites you have to satisfy yourself that what you are doing is legal in your country.

There are others ways to watch bleach episodes online and the ones outlined above are just some of them.

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Download Full Version Movies - How Does It Work?

Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download Full Version Movies - How Does It Work?

Good morning. Today, I found out about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download Full Version Movies - How Does It Work?. Which may be very helpful to me therefore you. Download Full Version Movies - How Does It Work?

Technology keeps getting better and better. As technology has increased with internet speeds, and clarity, more and more habitancy are consuming to the internet as a multimedia center for games, communal interaction, and other forms of entertainment. It was only a matter of time before you would be able to download full version movies to your computer to watch at home, or even burn to Dvd.

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Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free

You may have seen ads or heard of sites that offer the potential to download full version movies to your computer and wondered how that works. Let's take a look to see the mechanics behind the offer.

Memberships sites on the internet that offer to let you download full version movies are gift shareware. It is similar to some sites you may have heard of like Napster, or Limewire. Millions of users are on line, and you are able to share the separate files for personal usage.

By creating a network of users that are all sharing, the provider is able to keep costs down. Because of a low overhead, they are able to offer a very competing price for access. Typical costs run from about -50 for a one time entry fee. The speculate that brick and mortar movie rental sites are not able to offer competing pricing is the cost of recurring rent, labor, and utilities. The postage and bodily handling of Dvd's also keeps mail order rental clubs from being able to offer such a competing price.

Internet sites that offer to let you download full version movies for real just have to control the hosting equipment and file memory. That is very cost effective and they can pass that on to you.

When you sign up for a paid membership site, you are offered proprietary software that allows you to passage the site. The software is included, and it is what you use to search for your and download. When you download full version movies, you can then keep them on your computer, or with provided software, burn them to Dvd.

Many sites also offer Games, Tv, and Music with the site, and the offerings run in the 80 Million range. Sites also offer Dvd jackets that you can print and put in the jewel cases with the Dvd.

Keep in mind, that this consulation is about paid membership sites, which are legitimate places to download full version movies. There are free sites out there that offer downloads, however, those sites are typically full of pirated video copies, and many downloads have viruses and spyware.

Lastly, these free sites violate copyright laws and patent infringement. As a responsible consumer, if you are planning on using a site to download full version movies, it would be wise to reconsider the ethical legal way to passage movies.

I hope you get new knowledge about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free. Where you can put to easy use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free.

How to Fall Asleep fast

Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - How to Fall Asleep fast

Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - How to Fall Asleep fast. Which is very helpful in my opinion and also you. How to Fall Asleep fast

There's an ungodly amount of articles online about how to get out of bed in the morning, since apparently that's a topic population love to research. But what about legitimately getting in bed and falling asleep? Surely, to get out of bed, you would have to have gotten in bed at some point in time. And once your in bed, you have to fall asleep. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to wake up at 11am the next day to Google up articles on how to wake up earlier.

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Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free

Falling asleep when you hit the sack is something that most population want to do speedily and effortlessly. Nothing beats a good night's sleep out of the window if you're tossing and turning for an hour after laying down. There's lots of solutions for this qoute you can try - medication you can take, rituals you can perform, and a multitude of other options. Some work great - some don't. This description is going to inspect the basis of the formula I use to fall asleep at night; hopefully, it'll be of some use to you. The basic steps I use are:

1. Turn off the Tv, computer, and other distractions 30 minutes before bedtime.
2. Dim all of the lights just enough so that it's dark, but I still can see.
3. Do something totally relaxing, like journaling, reading, or playing soft music.
4. Go to bed when 30 minutes are up, or before then if I feel sleepy enough.

Before I begin, I have to edify you that the formula that you use to fall asleep will (most likely) be unique for you. Some population can watch Tv for hours on end, shut it off, and in 5 minutes be out like a light. Most population aren't this lucky, though, so that's where this description comes in. Let's begin!

Turn off the Tv, computer, and any other box of flashy lights, sounds, and distractions 30 minutes before bedtime. (Yes, your computer has an off button, and no, it doesn't give you an electrical shock when you press it.) Stimulation before sleeping is the #1 killer of a good night's sleep. If you're getting overly complicated in that Law and Order: Svu lesson to the point you're crying when the jury reaches their verdict - 3 minutes before your scheduled bedtime - you probably won't fall asleep very well. Turn off all of all of that stimulation at least 30 minutes before you go to bed, even earlier if possible.

If you legitimately must surf the internet, watch Tv, play games, etc., pick sites/shows/games that are not violent, graphic, sexual, etc.. Nightmares are also killers of a good night's sleep.

Immediately after doing the old step, dim all of the lights.

Now, you don't have to immerse yourself in a black, thick blanket of darkness and sit there for half an hour - you'll get bored and antsy. Instead, dim all of the lights just enough so that you can still see reasonably well and do basic tasks, like reading or meditating. When you're subjected to darkness, you start signaling to your brain to yield a chemical that makes you sleepier - melatonin. After just a little while, you'll start to feel a little sleepier, which will allow you to speedily go into sweet dreams. Hooray!

Next, do something totally relaxing for yourself.

"Totally relaxing" is a subjective phrase - what's totally relaxing to you may be 30 minutes in a personal Hell to somebody else. What are some relaxing things you can do before bed? Use this list to get you started on your own ideas:

o Listen to quiet music while meditating.
o Journal.
o Read a good book.
o Take a bath.
o Drink some chamomile tea.

Whatever you pick to do, make sure it's relaxing. The idea is to start winding down and slip into a peaceful state - the last thing you want to do before bed is something invigorating.

Is 30 minutes up? Time to go to bed!

Ah, the fun part! Time to endeavor to sleep! If you still feel wound up at this stage, feel free to take a little more time in the old step. You may find it takes you 15 minutes to become tired enough to sleep, or you may find you need an hour to get ready. Whatever the case, do what your body tells you. Don't try to force yourself to sleep if you know you can't fall asleep.

To cut out caffeine and exercise before bed? Your call.

Some population can drink a pot of coffee an hour before bed and have no trouble falling asleep - I fall in this category. Likewise, other population can exercise two hours before hitting the sack and have no trouble sleeping as well. It's entirely your own personal preference. If drinking half a cup of coffee will wire you up for 5 hours, then it's best to skip out on the drink.

Finally, test out my method. See if it works, and make changes if needed.

I'm not saying this formula is a sure-fire way to fall asleep immediately once you go to bed. However, it's a blueprint that you will most likely get some very good results from. The only way to tell is to legitimately test it out for several nights and see how it works. If it gives you superb results, that's great - keep on doing it! If not, reevaluate the steps and make small changes. Possibly turning off the Tv for 30 minutes before bed is too little, and you need to boost it up to an hour. Or maybe you'd like to meditate for slightly longer before going to bed, as you'll feel more relaxed.

Good luck, and sweet dreams!

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Download and Watch American Gangster the Ethical Way

Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download and Watch American Gangster the Ethical Way

Good evening. Yesterday, I found out about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download and Watch American Gangster the Ethical Way. Which is very helpful in my experience therefore you. Download and Watch American Gangster the Ethical Way

There are plenty of links you can find in order to download and watch American Gangster. The victorious movie was uploaded by nearly every website dealing with video streaming and/or video downloading.

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Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free

"American Gangster" was much anticipated, and the occasion it was released, the copy was there online for downloading. In fact, the screener of the movie had appeared on the Internet even before the movie was released! Now, you can find its Dvd-rip online without much of a hassle.

However, as you can shape it out, most of the sites, gift you to download and watch American Gangster for free, are simply illegal. They might excuse themselves by claiming they bear no responsibility of what links their users share. Quite often, you can see the disclaimer, saying that the site does not host any of the video materials; therefore, it does not violate copyright laws. But the truth is that there is a lot of copyright infringement going on and these sites choose to ignore it, because they are interested in attracting visitors and getting money from advertisements.

So, do not fool yourself mental that population just share great free stuff out of generosity. More than 90% of all sites gift free movies, especially the newest ones, are harmful for your computer, installing malware to spy on your Internet surfing habits and even get your private info. Many will also try to make you click on their ads, even if you do not want to.

If you are on a file sharing network, more trouble adds to malware and pop-ups: virus attacks will be unavoidable, so all you have to rely on is your anti-virus schedule (which is never a 100% guarantee). In fact, it is quite possible to get your Pc infected with the very first file you download from another user. So, if you have never tried it, happily keep being away from torrents.

To download and watch "American Gangster" the ethical way is possible, but it will not be free of cost. Sites, selling Dvd capability movies legally, payment per movie download or per view. It is quite fair, but might not be affordable for a movie buff, who looks to watch a lot of movies on the Internet. There are ways to save, however, without risking your security and running into a trouble.

Take a dinky to read my blog, which discovers the ethical, yet affordable ways to download and watch American Gangster.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free. Where you possibly can put to used in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free.

Download Full Dvd Movies right away

Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download Full Dvd Movies right away

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned all about Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free - Download Full Dvd Movies right away. Which could be very helpful for me and you. Download Full Dvd Movies right away

Anyone can download full Dvd movies abruptly from the relieve of their homes. Maybe you are seeing for a safe place where you can get full length movies without having to burn your pocket or free. This can be a journey fraught with obvious risks if you are not careful. This article would show you what is taking place behind some of the free movie sites and point you to safe alternatives to download full Dvd movies instantly.

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Watch Full Episodes Of Law And Order Svu Online For Free

There are a lot of places where you can download full Dvd movies for free. You may have heard of peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) networks. The problem is you can be in for more problems than you would expect when you get any full length shows from these networks. I would thought about show with you some of the coarse problems reported.

1. Network assistance Troubles

A lot of these P2P or free Dvd download sites are poorly set up and operated. Their servers are often low in resources and therefore it is not uncommon to touch hangs when downloading full Dvd movies. These full length shows are huge files and when so many population are simultaneously downloading, the system would not be able to take the load. It can take forever just to download one full length movie. So be prepared.

2. Legal Issue of Dvd Movie Downloads

File sharing at P2P is not illegal. It is the abuse of the system that makes population associate P2P with bad taste. Some folks blatantly upload copyrighted material onto the P2P network. Owners of these networks who are not the least involved about the legality of the downloads obviously could get you into problem with the law. So if you want to download full Dvd movies from their sites, make sure you take the extra step to check out their procedure for protection against copyright laws.

3. Spyware, Adware and Viruses

The speculate why P2P networks can let you download full Dvd movies for free is simple. Advertising is the main revenue behind the existence of free networks. They sell advertising to companies. With so many users advent in and out of their networks, they have a large audience for these product companies. The way they get their advertisement out to you is through the software applications you need to download in order to download movies from their networks. The sad thing is some of these applications would force pop-in or pop-up advertisements onto your screen whenever you download a full length movie. It can be very annoying. Not only that, some of them unquestionably bring a nasty host of spyware, adware and viruses onto your computer.

These are some of the problems you could be facing when you want to download shows at obvious networks. However, not all is lost as there are a few pretty tight ships that are run nicely. You can download Dvd quality movies safely without having to worry about spyware, adware, viruses and other troubles mentioned earlier. As a matter of fact, these download services are not free and require you to pay a small sum for membership. It is fair since they need to devote resources to ensure a safe environment for downloading and to make sure that the downloading is fast and easy. A lot of these sites which have been reviewed also contribute solid back-end keep for customers.

These are professionally-run download sites where one can download full length blockbusters safely, speedily and cheaply. witness which are the download sites population are going to download full length Dvd movies from my blog.

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